By registering and taking part you can:
  • Access current and emerging evidence that has the capacity to improve care and advance practice within mental health and substance use across the province
  • Identify and address system-level issues that are barriers to people with mental health and substance use issues having their needs met.
  • Follow the evidence and ensure topics are informed by those we serve through ongoing engagement with people with lived/ living experience.
Upcoming Learning Rounds
  • Independent Rights Advice Service - A New Provincial Service Under BC's Mental Health Act

    Date:                   Thursday May 8 

    Time:                   11 a.m. – 12 p.m.

    Location:            Zoom webinar link (or dial in with +1 778 907 2071)

    The long-awaited Independent Rights Advice Service is gradually rolling out in BC ( The service is designed to provide information to people who are experiencing involuntary treatment under the Mental Health Act to help them learn about and exercise their legal rights.  The Independent Rights Advice Service is offering this session to help inform attendees of this new service who will play a pivotal role in performing rights notification functions for involuntary patients, as well as being a source for referrals to other resources and services.

    Guest speaker: : Sarah Irving and Mara Selanders

    May 8 Learning Rounds
Want to Know More?
  • Provincial Mental Health & Substance Use Learning Rounds is a collaborative forum that aims to facilitate knowledge exchange of mental health and substance use programs and practices across the province, and engage interdisciplinary teams in learning together.

  • These rounds are intended to support staff, service providers, researchers and partners to better understand and address issues related to improving care for people with mental health and substance use needs.

Would you like to get in touch with the Learning Rounds team?