Welcome to the BCMHSUS Centre for Learning

A new kind of platform

The Centre for Learning has been carefully designed for you to discover, find, take part in and track different kinds of learning and development, whether it's completing an official BCMHSUS course, catching up on the latest research, finding a recommended program at another institution or just browsing for new information or the tools that you need.

The Centre for Learning also includes the Concurrent Disorders Provincial Competency Framework and Toolkit, helping you to quickly identify the specific competency domains to personally focus on, and recommendations to build those competencies.

A new kind of course

We are also excited to bring you new original curriculum to get you up to speed on supporting people at the intersection of mental health and substance use.

Sign up or login to access your dashboard and start exploring everything we have for you. If you have already signed up for the Concurrent Disorders Competency Framework - you can use your existing login to access the full Centre for Learning.